Lots of entries into one
I decided I am too much of a narcissist to NOT write about myself. My friends also have blogs which I get jealous when I read...and I don't like getting jealous. So I am putting nothing personal here so that it cannot be traced. Mwahaha. I am even going to use pseudonyms for certain people's names. I think since it has been a while I am going to start with the most current events then go backwards if I feel like it, or have time.
Well, of course I have time. I will title each story seperately incase you don't want to read them all (or break it up) and will work backwards.
First things first: Even though I have no job, I still have a credit card and have mangaged to book two long overdue trips to visit friends in Dallas and LA, in July and September. YAY for fun trips!
Mikey's Wing Girl
Last night Mikey and I went to a bar in Greenwich Village to watch this girl sing. He found her on Myspace Music, and since I had nothing better to do, and he agreed to pay for alcohol, I went. This girl was really good. Her name is Lauren Hunt, and we are going to go back and see her next week. Anyway, as you all probably know, I have pink eye, and subsequently must wear glasses (and no eye makeup) for a week. So last night was just another adventure in living life as a wing girl. No one really looks at me when I have glasses on. This worked out well for Mikey last night, since he has a little crush on the singer girl. I just seemed like his nerdy librarian friend, and I had no confidence to hit on the cute guitar player, so I just helped him talk to Lauren. I think that as a team, we did a good job. Later she dedicated his favorite song to him. I was happy for him, but I will be glad to be out of wing girl status soon.
Pink Eye Discovery & First Night Out
Sat I woke up not being able to see due to an abnormal amount of cloudiness in my eyes. I freaked out, called the eye doctor and went to see him within 20 minutes (the eye dr is on my street). My assumption was correct, but the consequences of having pink eye were much more substantial than I thought. NO contacts for at least a week. To most people this is not a big deal, but to the utterly and totally blind this is major suckage. Especially when your glasses are not even the right perscription. I was planning to disobey the dr and wear contacts out to this party Sat night, but by 10pm, they were still...gross, if you will, and it would have been impossible to put contacts in. People told me I should stay in. People told me I was crazy for going out. People told me it was contagious and I shouldn't go out and spread it around. But to no avail. I am too fun to let a little thing like that keep me in for the night. Plus I am a germ-o-phobic and wash my hands like 100 times a day, especially now that I have pink eye. So we went to the party, which was some friend of Derek's who lived on the UWS. I was very self conscious. When we got to the party, even though I had been drinking, I was weird about talking to groups of guys. I think I even made up excuses to NOT talk to people. VERY unlike me. So I basically talked to Court, Becky, Mikey and Derek the whole time. I had fun but it was definitely weird. It's almost like wearing a fat suit. People don't know you don't normally look like that, but YOU know. And people kept telling me it is all about confidence...but I just didn't have it. Sad but true. Wing girl for the week.
Random Myspace Party
Fri night we went to a party of one of my random friends from Myspace. I don't really know this kid, we never had messaged before, he was on my friends list b/c he was friends with another friend of mine. So they were renting out a bar in Soho, I got a Myspace invite, and we had nothing better to do. The party was kind of lame at first, but after I got wasted, Sheri, Merna and I started dancing with randoms. I am pretty sure that the guys we were dancing with and ourselves were the drunkest people at the party...and the only ones dancing. Awesome. I found some guy who was a fun dancer and kept bending me over into backbends. My all time fav thing to do drunk. Apparently he was asking my friends about me, but then I lost him. I asked my Myspace friend if he knew who I was dancing with and he did not, so I will prob never see him again. Oh well. Hopefully there will be more boys who are fun to dance with around this summer.
Quick update on Law School Boy
Speaking of boys this summer, I am going to take a moment to note that things with LSB have not been going my way. He is the asshole boy I used to write about and ended up liking against my will. He and I used to hang out and THEN shack, but now he has it in his head that it is OK to just shack--and to call me for this at 2, 3, 4 am. I had to tell him that this was NOT OK, which didn't go over very well. (Note that shacking hardly ever entails sleeping together b/c of his lack of condom buying, or the fact that we are too drunk to do anything.) He wanted to see me before he left for the ENTIRE SUMMER for Europe--and I am not going to lie, I wanted to see him too. But not on the late night, so it never happened last weekend, and now he is gone for over 2 months. You all will tell me to forget him, and I will not listen. Mostly b/c me liking someone is so rare and I enjoy it. Also he is always online from Europe which just makes me want to IM him and keep in touch. One day I will learn to not like assholes, but that day is not today. However, you won't have to deal with my dumbass chasing him around this summer, so take what you can get.
People in Town
The weekend before, a bunch of people were in town: Holden, Cindy (from my sorority), her husband Pete, and Holden's friend Travis. Friday night we went to El Rio Grande and got wasted off of margaritas, then made our way to Sway, but I can't think of anything too entertaining to write, except that we all fell while dancing and Cindy and I had bruises all over our legs the next day, but what else is new? Saturday night we ate at our fav BYOB Indian place and went to our new favorite summer rooftop bar, 230 Fifth. The place was more fun the weekend before, because it was warmer, but the reason we like it so much is b/c the roof deck is one of the most badass things I have ever seen. There are lights, palm trees, a few bars, lots of space, and an awesome view of the city. Someone said it was very L.A. If that is L.A., I am even more excited to go in September! There are a lot of normal people (boys) there, but also a good mix. The drinks are pricey though so we inconspicuously brought our own stuff. BYORum. I ended up getting way too drunk that night and blacking out, which I hate doing. To avoid this I have been trying to switch to beer late in the night. This is not possible when your friend (ahem, Sheri) takes the beer out of your purse and replaces it with her water bottle full of vodka. We did brunch Sunday at Essex, where you pay $15 for whatever meal you want and get as many drinks as you can handle. We were all drunk when we left to go shopping, and there were jokes and possibly bets made about me passing out on a rack or blacking out at a store. Neither of which happened, I am proud to say.
Memorial Day Weekend
The weekend before was one of the first really warm weekends and I think the whole city was in party mode. Friday night was my first time at 230 Fifth, the roof bar, and we ended up meeting really fun guys who bought us incredibly overpriced rum and cokes, jaeger shots, and, eventually for me, beer. "Switching to beer" was a topic I told the guys about. "So that I don't black out," I mentioned--to which they told me that wasn't the best thing to tell guys I meet at bars. Touche'. Lesson learned, but the important thing is that I followed my rule. I remember going to some ghetto club in meatpacking around 4am, but most of us leaving to go back to the Waldorf Astoria, where one of the guys had a room. (Most of the guys were from out of town.) If you are not from NY, this is one of the nicer hotels in the city--the rooms were amazing. I think we overestimated ourselves and were planning to drink and party more, but Merna and I ended up passing out on a pull out couch with some of the guys. Not like that-nothing happened at all. Except one of the guys was snoring extremely loudly, and Merna noticed that no one was in the master suite with a huge comfy bed! She and I took over, and when Casey finally got back to his hotel around 8am, he found two girls in his bed: one in her thong. Since Merna and I both do this occasionally, you shouldn't automatically assume it was me. But it was. Casey just laughed and we slept for a bit, until they had to leave and go upstate for the day/night. Sat night we went clubbing in the meatpacking district but I ended up meeting up with Law School Boy and shacking for the first time in a few weeks. (This is the late night thing I was talking about: bad.) A few of us met back up with the 230 Fifth guys Sunday night for dinner, since Mon was Memorial Day. We had dinner at a really nice Mexican place in Union Square, complete with multiple ritas and tequila shots, then made our way to the Fat Black Pussycat where everyone got way too drunk, and despite my warnings to the guys on Friday night, they fed me rum and I don't remember much. But I know a fun time was had by all.
I went to Texas about a month ago for Rachel's high school graduation party. (Rachel was my neighbor growing up and is like a sister to me.) I went out to dinner Thurs night with a bunch of girls from my sorority who now live in Houston, then we went out and met up with my high school ex and another one of my guy friends. High school ex and I stayed at Janie's on her sleeper sofa, but don't worry, we didn't go ~there~ again. The weird thing with him is that I don't like him or anything, but he is really funny and facetious and when we see each other we have a lot to talk about...which leads to shacking? I dunno, but it doesn't matter. Fri mom and I did the Galleria and ate at Cheesecake Factory. Fri night Katey, Lauren and I went out in Midtown and ran into college ex's best friends! Now, most people don't know that my college ex is now married, because I haven't really told a lot of people (mostly b/c I don't talk about things that upset me). Well, I am over it enough to mention it. His friends were completely shocked to see me, but we talked for a bit, and they mentioned that his wife is pregnant! Like, very much so. So I am drunkenly reaching some soft of epiphany, realizing that everything that I thought was so odd now makes sense. The rest of the night was fun, we danced at random midtown bars and I noticed how many cute, normal, preppy boys there are in Texas. Aah. Saturday my mom and I headed to Rachel's party where I began to drink around...6pm? After some of the non-family adults left, Rach's cousin Tiffany (who is also 23) and I decided we wanted to play flip cup. There were too many long tables, plastic cups and beers for us NOT to play. We bossed around some high schoolers and set up the game. Some adults, including both of Rach's parents, played at some point, but Tiff and I were involved in almost every game. Rachel was in most games as well, but she can't handle her alcohol as well as us...yet. Lauren and Katey came by for a bit and may have been astounded by the amount of drinking going on at a family function, but that is just how this family is. My parents blame them for my wild, drunk side, and they are probably right, considering my parents are pretty somber and conservative. Anyway, I got in the hot tub later and was up til about 5am with Rach and her parents. Despite drinking about 35 beers, I woke up NOT hungover (beer is awesome) and had to get ready to catch a flight. I missed the flight and got to spend a quiet night at home with my parents, puppy and brother, which was rather refreshing. I flew back to NY Monday and now you are all caught up. WHEW.
no wonder they got married.. she is pregnant!!!
I am glad you are doing this blog since my memory is limited! Can't wait for a very fun, drunk, and exciting summer.
By the way, a water bottle is much lighter than beer. I was just thinking of your arm injury.
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