NY, Dallas, Houston, NY, Job
Two weeks is a long time in blog-land. I have also been in three cities within the past week so I don't even really know where to begin. I guess I will start from the beginning, or where I think I left off. (Way too lazy to check.)
New York
Two Thursdays ago Katey was in NY for work, so she, Mikey, Derek and I met up for a pre-party at my apartment. Court and Liz were already out, meeting Josh and Mike (from Lake George/Wasted Wed) at 230, our fav roof top bar. I don't really think anything interesting happened here, except that I drunk kissed Mike, again. I need to stop. OH. And he kind of freaked me out because when we got to the bar, we said hi to them and then Court wanted to stalk this one guy who was there, so we told Mike and Josh we would be back in a bit and that we were going to wander. When I came back like 10 min later, Mike had a drink for me, the way I like it, with a lime. I was surprised--and it was half pleasantly, half negatively. Who DOES that?! What if we never came back!? Or at least had walked around for a half hour? I mean, he could have DRANK it, but--it was definitely for ME. I should have not kissed him later, but it was not a make out, no tongues were involved. Anyway, I was determined to have a wild night since I had taken Friday off from the stylist job (even though my flight was at 5:15pm) so I took Mikey and Katey to meatpacking, where we ended up at Home--which apparently is quite ghetto fabulous on Thursdays. We stuck close to Mikey but had fun dancing. Got home around 4am.
Friday we did lunch and the slow, tardariffic waitress caused me to be late getting ready. Traffic was also to blame, but to be fair, I should have anticipated that. I missed my train to the airport--being a Continental snob, the only flight at a good time was from Newark in NJ--so I took at $67 cab to the airport. Plus tip. The cabbie sped and swerved around cars on my request and I somehow did not miss my flight.
After landing, I check my voicemail to find out that my start date for my new job has been postponed for a week! I call my mom and see if maybe I can leave Dallas for Houston and stay the week there...more on this later.
Samantha picks me up, we get ready, Emily comes over, and we head out to Wish, a bar, with some of Sam's guy friends. We all get pretty drunk pretty fast (I totally talked my way in to them buying us jaeger bombs) and start dancing around the bar. Todd comes to meet up and witnesses most of this. Then Chris Scofield shows up, whom I haven't talked to in over a year (he is Todd's best friend). I am pretty sure all he saw was me either giving or receiving lap dances from Samantha and Em. Hah. Sam and I both didn't remember how we got home, but apparently Todd took us. Em and I then left Sam (who was in full on gumby mode, unable to hold up her own head--or speak clearly) at her apartment and went over to Michael Gardner's girlfriend's apartment, where there was suppossedly an after party. There were a few of my old guy friends there and everyone was wasted. Matt Danziger and Michael karaoked to some songs, complete with that weird swaying dance drunk people (yea, yea, including myself) do. It was hilarious. When most of the party left, we took that as our que. When we got to Sam's apartment, she had deadbolted us out. I simultaniously called her cell and rang her doorbell over and over...but she was PTFO (passed the fuck out). Em and I had to drive a half hour to Plano, but luckily we had Whataburger to sober us up. Regardless, it was a really fun night out and I saw a ton of people, even if it were only for short intervals.
Saturday we hustled to Chic-Fil-A (what, like that's not important enough to hustle to?) and met up with two more of Sam's guy friends and Emily to go out on the guys' boat. Eventually we make it to Lake Lewisville, which is only about a half hour drive from where ever the hell we were in Dallas. I drank some rum and coke to get the party started, then switched to beer so that I can still function later. We parked the boat at Party Cove, which most of you have probably seen from my Webshots...if you haven't, it is a big place where boats park, people get wasted, and is basically like Spring Break. We started doing beer bongs out of noodles pretty quickly, and the craziness escalated from there. At one point we were all slapping Sam's ass, and this guy wearing a viking helmet floats on over and asks to join in. "Where AM I?" was all I could think. Some random guy was taking pics of us beer bonging, dancing (there was a lot of dancing on the boat as well) and generally just being retarded. We asked him if he was going to post the pics anywhere, and he told us to find him on Myspace and that his name was Motherbunches. You better believe we did. In fact, I added some of Motherbunches' pics to my Webshots. It is both awesome and kind of sad that 75% of people I know (or meet randomly) are as big of computer nerds as I am. Or, at least close.
Anyway, we ended up drunker than planned, and I was unable to call the airlines about a flight. This resulted in my having to answer my cell drunkenly and talk to my mom (who was talking to the airline for me) about possible flights. I must have held it together OK cause she never said anything about my lack of sobriety. Regardless, my new plan was set: I was staying in Dallas til Monday and then flying to Houston; I would then go back to NY Friday since there were no reasonable flights on Sat/Sun.
After the lake, we went to Central Market to get some food and then showered--later I realized that I didn't really remember this particular shower--and got re-ready. I was being quite the trooper, since I was only in Dallas one more going out night. Sam and Em were complaining about being tired--but to their credit, they pulled through because I was in town. We went to some random pre-party where there were a lot of creep asses...one guy kept trying to hug me and kiss me and it was just weird. I met him like 5 minutes before he tried these things. We also met this old guy who claimed to be Matthew McConaughey's brother. He DID look like him in the face, and appeared to be on some sort of drugs...which would also could have authenticated him further, had he not changed his name 3 times. He also kept making strange faces at the girl he was with, and kept getting into weirder and weirder topics. He told Emily that he wanted to take her swim suit shopping. Yea. When Creeper asked us to go to some bar with him, we declined and ended up somewhere with the guys from the party who were our own age. Note: at this point I had never really sobered up, but did not realize this at the time. I was drunker than I thought, is what I am getting at.
At the bar, one of the guys, Brian, asks me if I want something to drink. I tell him I want a jaeger shot. He tells me he is in love with me. He is also belligerant. My friends don't get drinks--they are beyond tired at this point--and I get some weird beer to chase the jaeger with. We end up lamely sitting at a table. I am now officially wasted; this Brian kid is hitting on me; my friends are tired...so we leave around 1:30am. It was not the wildest of nights, but the daytime TOTALLY made up for it.
Sunday Sam and I tried to lay out, but it rained, so we went to the gym instead. I know, I know, I was on "vacation," but I had also been eating Whataburger, Chic-Fil-A and tons of red meat the week/weekend before bc of the 4th of July. Gotta validate. :) Sunday night Sam, Em, Nicole, Marica and I went to dinner at La Duni, a Latin place Marcia picked. It was awesome, I got some steak thing, of course. I then tried to round up the troops (meaning I called my cousin, Linsey Wagner and Michael G) to go out on Sunday night, but to no avail. Plus, Em didn't feel well, so we ended up at her house in her bed, each with our own laptop. In fact, she told me that she had two computers to lure me to sleep over. I guess it worked.
I flew to Houston Monday and spent the night there with my parents, brother and Buster. Buster LOVES me. I give him the most attention and am the only one retarded enough to cuddle up with him on the floor. I also let him get away with a lot. He is so cute and sweet and I wish I got to see him more. Anyway, Rachel Rosen happened to be in town so we met up at the Galleria Tues and then laid out at her house. At the end of the day, I was really tan and happy. She had mentioned that she had found free work out videos on i-Control and had done some the day before, so after laying out we changed and did the videos in her living room. Her little brother, who is like 19, came home; then her mom came home...which was slightly embarrassing, but more funny than anything. After that I went home to eat and get ready--I wanted to go out for Rachel's last night in town. Of course, around 9pm she informs me that her mom guilt tripped her into staying in...but Bryan Hagle and Katey (who was back in Htown, obviously) were already on board to go out. I had also mentioned to a few other people that I was going out. I rallied and we all met up at the Village, my old stomping ground. I only had 3 beers since I was driving...it was a chill night but it was nice b/c we all got to catch up.
Wednesday Kristin and I attempted a workout at the tiny gym in the apartment complex she is temporarily staying at. (It's Dave Gardoni and Nate's apartment, really.) Then Dave and I laid out and caught up, and I developed an even more awesome tan. I was beginning to feel like a Texan again. I did dinner at my parent's and stayed in with them again, because I am a good daughter, and also cause I miss them and won't be in Houston again til Thanksgiving. My mom took Thurs off so we went to lunch at this little hippy/trendy cafe she goes to with her friends, then went shopping in the Village. I ended up mostly buying books, but it was fun. After dinner with the rents I got ready and headed to Katey's apartment to check it out, then we went to Bryan's to preparty. Lauren, her sister and a few guys met us and we pre-partied for a while before heading to midtown. We went directly to Pub Fiction, since "they" say the line is long on Thursdays. It was just long enough for Bryan and I to chug the drink I had made for the road. Once inside, Courtney K, Jessica and Lauren M showed up. I introduced everyone (high school friends, meet college friends) and then we got a table. After only a shot and beer I think we were dancing around (yay for pre-partying) and having photoshoots. I was having trouble giving attention to both groups of friends already, when I noticed some different college friends (Chris C, Jason C, etc) had shown up. A little later, Richard (the high school ex) and Rob showed up so I talked to them for a bit too--about what, I do not know. My high school girl friends left early, which sucked--but also made it easier on me, the social butterfly. I remember Bryan and I danced (there was an 80's cover band) , I talked to more people, then there is a haze... I ended up at an after-party and shacked with a guy who is NOT my high school ex. Good job?
Friday I got home before noon and got ready for the airport. I had gotten about 2.5 hours of sleep the night before and fell asleep during the half hour flight to Dallas. I also acquired a headache during said flight, but opted for Taco Bell instead of Aleve. There simply was not time during my layover for both. I then ordered two cokes on the plane to try and get rid of the headache. Of course, this did not work and I just ended up not being able to sleep. The book I had bought in Houston was also really good so that might have kept me awake as well. Anyway, I landed in NJ at 10:30 and was ordered to get my ass in gear by Sheri, since Adrienne was in town and they wanted me to come out...
Back in The City
I am such a trooper. I was dead tired but got ready, made a drink and met the girls at 230, the same bar I keeeep talking about. We are obsessed. There were not any good groups of guys out, only a creeper who fell immediately in love with Adrienne (and who claimed to be Madonna's lawyer) amongst weird foreigners and too-drunk-to-talk guys. After about an hour and a half and only a drink or two, we decided to make it an early night and head home. I think I might have been really sick had we not, so I am almost glad that we were lame.
This allowed us to function enough on Sat to go to brunch in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Adrienne had never been, and had wanted to go to thrift stores (Williamsburg is like thrift store central). We ate at a really cute restaurant/bar that was made into a fake beach with sand on the floor and whatnot. We then went to Beacon's Closet, this huge thrift store, where I was mostly bored and tired. I don't do well with thrift stores in general--I try, but I really like small ones where I don't get so overwhelmed--or none at all. I took it from my 200 yawns that I needed to catch up on sleep, so went home and took a 2.5 hour nap. I woke up and Becky and I planned dinner for us all at Republic, which is an Asian restaurant in Union Square. We did dinner NYC style--at 10:30--and drank at dinner. It was fun and delicious and I recommend eating there, the prices are even good.
We then went to Underbar at the W, where we bought our own drinks until this guy told me that we could have his table, which was reserved for them, and they were leaving. He also said, "The waitress will take care of you." Since I am both straighforward and cheap--and possibly a bit shameless--I ask the guy if that means we have to pay for drinks or if they are free. He again said, "The waiteress will take care of you." To me this implies FREE. Also, it was just Sheri and I sitting near his table at this point, the other three were at the bar--so I didn't think it was THAT strange to buy two girls drinks all night...it might have been a company tab or something. Anyway, after the guys leave I get the other girls and we order drinks--but the waitress charges us. We even told her what "our friend" said, but we still had to pay. Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some.
So here is the weird part. Later someone who works for the bar comes over to "our" table with a flashlight and tells us that they are looking for the bill from the people sitting here before us. Sooo we think that they told Sheri and I to take their table as to not look suspicous (i.e., the table being empty) as they walked out on their check. If this was the case, I am very upset that I supported this cause. I am all about free drinks, but walking out on a check is just trashy. Boo for being an accomplice, if that is what we were. And boo for those same guys getting our hopes up for free drinks!
We saw a lot of gross people dancing at Underbar (see my Webshots) and wanted to leave sooner rather than later... We were suppossed to meet up with Conner (that ex-Sig Ep I am friends with) but they were in between bars, so we go to Slate, where I had met up with Connor a few weeks back. Slate was a little too ghetto for our tastes, so we left. So here we were on the outskirts of meatpacking, not on any guest lists for clubs. We debate going to Duvet, which is across the street, but being that it was 1am we knew we would have to pay. We would also have to pay like $15 for Aer (our other go to place) at this point, and decide that if we are paying we want to go to Marquee. After all, last summer, when Adrienne lived in NY, is when we were Marquee groupies. We went and stood in line for like 20 min when everyone was getting frustrated. Merna finally steps up and tells the bouncer that 5 hot girls have been waiting 20 minutes, and somehow gets us in in front of everyone. We still had to pay, but at least we could mooch off of people's bottle service once inside. We had to talk to some creepers at first, but got some drinks eventually. We knew our friend Adam was inside, but he was too drunk to tell us exactly where he was--he kept sending the same response text, or a version of it, to Sheri and I. We then went upstairs to look for him and I discovered that this is the rap music room. I liked it better already, despite the more ghetto crowd, because I generally do not like techno music, which was downstairs.
Note: this is the most sober I have EVER been at Marquee. I never really remembered what it looked like inside or how it was laid out, despite having been there a dozen times, until now. Also, remember this is the same club that I passed out ON the toilet at. Anyway...
In the rap room I really wanted to hear the new T.I. song, which naturally I became obsessed with while in Texas. I went over to the DJ and put my hand out over his equipment to get his attention--and he slapped my hand away! I then tried to talk to him and got a negative head nod. BOO MARQUEE DJ! It was not funny at the time but looking back, it kind of is. Does he slap a lot of hands away, I wonder?
At one point I got a drink from a guy, then the guy immediately moved in to kiss my NECK! Normally I would have moved away but I thought that he was just a close talker, as many people are at clubs, and wanted to tell me something. After this Sheri and I literally turned and ran away--or at least I walked as fast as I could without spilling my drink. We made it downstairs when the other girls called and said they were outside ready to go. I have no idea how but it was 3:45am. After trying unsuccessfully to get them to go to Coffee Shop, I settled for drunk (sort of--I wasn't ever that drunk) eating fried cauliflower and other weird Indian food with Becky. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it was healthier than a bacon cheeseburger and herb fries from Coffee Shop, so I guess that was OK.
Sunday Adrienne left and then Becky, Sheri, Merna and I ate lunch at the South Street Seaport. We then wandered lower Manhattan and looked for a beach that did not exist. Why? Because Merna and Sheri are tards. Haha. They had thought they had seen a beach last week while on the bus, and the area they saw DID sort of look beachy from a distance, but of course it was just a pier. We ended up laying out in the grass on the edge of the island near Ground Zero...I have no idea what the park was called. Mostly we just got hot, and found a little kid's playground with a little water squirter area where we got wet. We probably scared all of the actual little kids around, and delighted their fathers. Haha. I do not think I got tan, since we didn't lay out til like 4:30 due to the "search."
This brings us to today, Monday. I start work tomorrow so had the day to myself, so I found a pool where you pay $20 to go to. (To lay out/swim at the Holiday Inn, it's $50, for example, so this was cheap.) It turned out that the pool had tinted glass over it, and you had to wear a swim cap to get in. I ended up swimming a bit but then hung out on the roof deck for about two hours. There were lounge chairs and even a little outdoor shower area to cool off in, so I was set. There was not a cloud in the sky, and though I may not be MORE tan, I think I am at least maintaining. I think only New Yorkers with houses in the Hamptons are tan--meaning a lot of people stay pale up here, as I did last summer. Even though I don't have a house in the Hamptons, I want to be tan too, damnit!
So yea, I start work tomorrow, 9-6. I should get to bed, since it is now 2:30am. I will write again soon as to not have such lengthy entries. Goodnight!
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