Sunday, July 30, 2006

too drunk

Work is still going well. I went to another event Thursday for the launch of a new liqueur, and got home around 9:30pm, which is way earlier than the last event. I like all the girls I work with, I especially like the events b/c it is the most socializing I do with them--except sometimes lunch. I went to the gym only three days (Mon-Wed) but that is one more day than last week. I will get there.

The theme of this weekend seems to have been getting too drunk. I think I sometimes forget that I made the "switch to beer" rule, and this weekend was one of those times. I do fine if I think about it before I go out. If I don't think about it while sober, though, you can be assured that I won't think about it when drunk.

Friday I napped after work again. Then Court, Merna and I went for a late dinner at Cafe Espanol, a tapas place in Greenwich Village. We ate and drank sangria so that we could consider dinner our pre-party. We got wind that a million people we knew from college were all at Mannahatta, so we walked over to the East Village and met up with them. Jenna was in town, which is the main reason we went, but Connor and crew were there, Derek was there with Hugo, who was also in town, and we saw lots of other random UT alums we knew. I drank a ton of rum and diet's and danced a lot with Mern and Court since they played a lot of fun pop and rap music downstairs. Nothing exciting really happened, we left and drove by Union Square on the way home...and thought immediately of Coffee Shop. We totally made the cabbie stop right then and I finally got the bacon cheeseburger I have been craving for a month now. Definitely not a crazy night though.

Saturday Court and I watched Match Point then I went to babysit from 8-11. I came back here, finished my book (I was so close--I had to) and Merna came over to pre-party. Around 12:45 we left to try and get to Aer (where the same UT alums, including Jenna, were) by 1 while it was still free. Even though we were late, we somehow got in without paying, which always makes me happy. I saw Court and Liz for a bit, Jenna and Zack for a bit, and maybe a few others but mostly I was running around with Merna. We were dancing on the banquets and sweating our ASSES off. I was literally drenched in sweat. I think their AC was broken. It had to have been! It is a good thing this city is filled with drunk asses, because I guess everyone was too drunk to care. I was. Eventually Merna and I left to go to The Gansevoort Hotel to meet up with Johnny, her man of the hour. On a side note--I thought we were at Aer the whole night. I thought we just met up with Johnny at the downstairs part of Aer. I found out today we were at a completely different location. So yea, I was pretty much out of it when we met up with Johnny and his friends. Some really short ugly girl said something weird to me and I told Merna, "The troll spooked me out." I guess I am still pretty creative when totally sloshed. The troll thing was pretty right on--but who says things like, spooked me out? I guess...I do? Late in the night Merna ran into a friend of hers, Eric, and I started talking to him; then Merna decides she is leaving to go shack with Johnny. Eric says we can split a cab, I agree. I have no clue where he lives. I just remember (vaguely) being in the cab and having to tell him that I was NOT coming home with him about 100 times. It might have been at this point when I drunk dialed Jason...I do not recall this phone call at all but apparently I was being really weird. I also don't know if I thought my calling some other guy would help to convince Eric I was not going home with him, or if I just like to drunk dial and don't care who is around.

When I got home, evidently Mikey was passed out on the couch. I sat down on his chest and passed out sitting up, with my arms above my head. This is how Court and Liz found me (us) when they came home. There is a pic. It will be on Webshots. It's awesome. They woke us up and I was still wasted, obviously, since I hadn't been passed out for long. Apparently I told Mikey, "Take off my belt," to which he replied, "You aren't wearing a belt." I insisted he take off said belt numerous times before pointing to my shoes and saying, "They're right there!" So he took off my "belt" and carried me to my bed.

Yea. Definitely switching to beer next weekend.

Justin moves to NY on Wed, and he will stay with us until he gets an apartment. Yay for more Texans in NY! Also, next weekend, we are going to stay in Friday night and play Taboo (my idea, of course) so we can get up early Sat, rent a car, and drive to Hurricane Harbor, a water amusement park. I am excited. I already have a car reserved.


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