Sunday, September 17, 2006

fashion shows and other things

Two weekends ago nothing very exciting happened. Court, Sheri, Merna, Laura, Shelly and I went to Marquee Fri night b/c some guy Shelly knew had a table/bottles. We danced alot, saw Paris and Nicky Hilton, then I left early due to being very drunk. I met some guy that went to UT, who we met up with the next night at the UT alumni bar. We watched the UT/OSU game Saturday and drank lots of beer--it was fun, most people we knew were there. After the game, Court, Sheri, Merna, Laura and I debated about what to do next. Court was tired and went home; the rest of us went to Laura's apartment to get Mary Margaret (her roomate and another ex-Ut girl) and her boyfriend. Since they live in Murray Hill, we ended up at the ever-fratastic Joshua Tree. It was uber crowded, so we left after one drink...somehow it ended up being only Laura and I who wanted to continue going out. It was about 2am. Her friend was at Cain, but in order to go, I had to change. (I was in a blue jean skirt and a white tank top with an orange shrug.) I borrowed a black dress from Laura, but her shoes were too big for I had to stay in my very casual wedge flip flops. Laura assured me "no one looks at your shoes," so we went to Cain. Long story short, her friend couldn't get us in. We decide to try Marquee, since we were in the area (and sometimes randomly get in easily) and when we got to the door, we asked if we could get in. The bouncer looks us up and down, points to my flip flops and was like, "Not in THOSE." Hahaha. How ironic. At this point Laura and I were just laughing, the night was just shot. We finally gave up.

Tuesday night I got to work at the Marchesa Fashion show because one of our champagnes was sponsoring the show. It was a lot of fun, I saw a few celebs (see my webshots to see who). Basically, we set up, hung out and drank. I had a lot of champagne, but remained sober enough to be able to take the leftover bottles back to the office with my three co-workers after the show. One girl went home, but me and the other two girls decided to have our own bottle before heading out to dinner and the after party. We then proceeded to have a bottle of wine with dinner, then went to the after party at Double Seven--I was pretty drunk at this point. This is where my infamous picture with Mischa Barton occurred. I only had one drink at the after party; we weren't there long since we all had to be at work in the morning. All in all, a great night, the girls I went with were a lot of fun!

This weekend we ended up in Meatpacking on Friday again. I swear, we aren't club whores, people just call us and tell us they can get us in and we can drink for free! We can't say no! This time we were there b/c of Justin's sister's friend who had a table/bottles. Again, the drunk dancing, the going home early. I think I am all clubbed out for a while. Or, I just need to stop drinking the vodka--easier said than done b/c it is free, whereas a beer may not be...

Anyway, Saturday Court, Justin, Chris and I had lunch then went to Court's office with Justin's mom, dad and sister. (His parents were visiting.) Her office has a badass view of the city; all were impressed. We shopped for a while, then I had to come back home and get ready for this fashion show in Brooklyn. This was not a fashion week show, it was basically a show for a store. My friend Brooke from work was modeling in the show as a favor to the store owner. My other friend from work, Jess, and I decided to go see Brooke...and mooch off of the open bar. We managed to get to Brooklyn and the show without getting lost, and had a good time. We met some guys at the show, who we ended up going to a bar with afterwards. A few other girls from the show came as well, and we all sat around, drank and ate french fries. Around 1 we decide to cab it back to Manhattan and go to this girl Brandy's house in the LES. I was planning on meeting up with Justin and Court, but Court wasn't having fun at the MisShapes party they were at and ended up meeting up with her cousin. So Jess and I stayed at this very random apartment party, eating Doritos and drinking beer. At one point we all discovered that we all only knew one other person there, and had all just met at the fashion show. What a NYC thing to happen! Around 3.30 Jess and I headed back to our respective apartments and called it a night. I never really got drunk due to the fact that I was eating along with the drinking--and I was drinking the beer slowly b/c it was gross beer. Beggers can't be choosers, I guess.

Rachel Rosen is coming to NYC this Wed! I am so excited! She's staying in Queens that night, but will be staying with us after that. Thursday through Sunday will probably be very drunk and fat days. Which is half the reason I went to the gym today--a Sunday. The other reason is b/c I wasn't hungover. Crazy what not getting belligerant can lead to!

Til next week....

Friday, September 08, 2006

LA, aka celeb central

Friday afternoon Sheri, Merna and I went to LA. When we get on the plane, we immediately see none other than Nicole Richey and Brody Jenner, her new boyfriend. This freaks us out for many reasons--one, we were hoping to see celebs IN LA, but this was even better; and two, it looked like she could shrivel up and die at any moment. She was so thin, it was alien-like, freakish, but mostly, disgusting. She was also in business class, not first. We were three rows behind her and her dinosaur alien feet that she kept putting on the back of the seat in front of her.

Jenna picked us up at LAX around 7pm LA time (gaining hours rocks) and we went straight to In and Out Burger. Even though a burger and fries was $3.18 or something ridiculous (as oppossed to the $8 shake shack burger and fries I had tonight), I was not impressed. Maybe that is because I didn't know about the secret menu. Or maybe because it is just overrated. From there we went to Jenna's cute, nice apartment in Santa Monica--which is also cute and nice. We got ready and made it to Le Deaux (sp?), the hot spot club in Hollywood, by 11. I thought this would be plenty early to get in--alas, I was wrong. We saw Mischa Barton and Cisco get in, Starvos get in, and a bunch of super slutty bleach blonde fake boob girls get in. We are SO not LA. We did not like how you stood at the "gate" in a giant dog pile while people yelled for the bouncer, nor did we like how the bouncer pushed the crowd back over and over while yelling and making us feel...well, very unimportant. After 20 minutes we left. We have turned too New York for that shit. We walked over to the Roosevelt Hotel, and on the way saw the walk of fame and Chinese theatre and whatnot. At the hotel, we saw the guy who played Charolette's bald Jewish husband on Sex and the City, and had a chill night. It was relaxing. Ish.

Sunday we got up early (being behind 3 hours helped) and went to lunch at the Ivy. This place was so cute! It was the most expensive salad I have had in a long time, but I am glad I got to go. After that we went into Kitson and then went shopping on Melrose for a while before hitting up the beach back in Santa Monica. Jenna lives like 5 blocks from the beach--I am jealous. After laying out, we went to dinner at Border Grill, an interior Mexican place in SM. Again, great food--I like interior Mexican more than normal Mexican. Go ahead, Texans, say what you will. I don't care. After dinner, we got ready (earlier this time) and actually got to the hotspot-always-in-US Weekly club, Privlege, by 10pm.

This time, it was a lot easier to get in. This could be because my dress was sluttier, the people outside weren't as hot, or just because it was earlier. We even got comp tickets and Jenna and I got free drink tickets. I think I am now on some LA promoter's text message list, also. Oh well. Inside we saw Shana Moegler (Travis Barker's soon to be ex) and A.C. Slater (aka Mario Lopez). Awesome. Our other NY-by-way-of-TX friends were in LA as well, so they came to meet up with us. Even though the club had way too many girls, we had fun dancing with each other. Some guy told me he was in love with me after talking with him for like 5 min, which would have creeped me out, except that he then offered me champagne. Around this time an un-named person's tampon string was hanging out of her dress. We decided that was the new meaning of "Ridin Dirty," which was just one of many songs of the weekend. Yeeeeeea it was a drunk night.

Oh, did I mention cabs from SM to Hollywood are $50 each way? Yea.

Sunday we were suppossed to go on some guy named Seth Cohen's boat (no I am not kidding). Because it was 8 girls trying to coordinate, this obviously did not happen. We had already bought 60 beers, though, so took them to the beach and had a lay out/drinking party. Merna and I got in the water for a while, it was nice. We contemplated living in LA. I decided I like my job too much to move soon, but maybe in like 2 summers I could do it, just for the summer or something. I don't know about full time. It's sooo pretentious. But sooooo pretty.

Sunday night Sheri stayed sober and was the DD. It was like an alternate universe. (She was really hungover still.) She, Merna, Jenna, her roomate Bri and I went to Shag, some club, where I actually had to buy a shot from the bartender! I usually get them for free! I am not worried that I have lost my touch (yet), I am hoping it's just an LA thing. I got pretty drunk, only to learn we were leaving to go meet up with this girl Lindsay (who I went to HS and college with; but Jenna is actually friends with) at some party. The house was cool, and our other girl friends met us there, so it was an OK party. The weird part is that I saw three other girls there from my highschool. Of course. You cannot escape! We didn't see any celebs, but I think 8 in one trip will do. On the way home I passed out, but woke up in time to eat all the left over Jack in the Box. Yes, we ate at Jack in the Crack. We officially suck. Sheri and I were up talking about high school, marriage, and other weird topics til 6am. I think I was still pretty drunk.

I woke up with the shakes, but was a trooper and went to the mall and to lunch with the girls before having to catch our flight. I slept a bit on the way back but I swear I am still jet lagged. That trip is long, but it was worth it...I want to go back and explore more of LA and more of Cali. I just need more vacation days.

Speaking of vaca days---->work...a couple of cool things are happening at my job.
#1 - I am the only person besides the two "champagne" account girls who get to go to a show at Fashion Week next Tues (one of our champagne brands is sponsoring a show). I get to go because I told them a long time ago I wanted to help out at fashion week if they needed it. There is also an after party, I am waiting for details...

#2 - At the end of Sept there is a new liquor launch party which goes from 10pm- late, and my boss today said that whoever attends the party can bring friends (score for NY people bc it's free alcohol) and, since it's a Thurs night, whoever attends can also sleep in on Friday. If you don't go to the party, you have to go to work. UUUUMMMM...what? Believe it or not, there are some work-a-holics who will do this plan. I am all about plan A. Plus it is sort of my account, so I haaave to go....

Last night Court, Sheri, Mern and I went to the Pat Green concert here in NYC. It was awesome, but it is another reason I haven't been home to catch up on rest...tonight I had wine class then went to eat with work people. I need some lazy bum time!

That's all for now. Getting my jet-lagged ass to bed. Adrienne comes in town tomorrow, it will be a wild weekend. Plus there's the TX/Ohio game Sat. I am tired just thinking about it!