Tuesday, February 06, 2007

busy and...busy

I have been super busy. I was in Miami for work like 2.5 weeks ago. It was super warm and I laid out and had a relaxing time. Didn't end up going out, but I didn't mind - it was a nice break.

I kind of didn't want to leave - I had heard it suddenly got cold here. I was right. Next beach vacation will be longer. Lesson learned.

I moved the next weekend. I say I because Court was out of town so I had to take care of it - which meant watching, and yes, helping the movers. All went well except that a couch we bought on Craigslist (the one for my room) wouldn't fit through our DOOR! So I left it out in the basement, which is right outside Court's door, and immediately put a new posting on Craigslist to sell it at the same price - I had it sold a few days later when we realized that it was GONE!
The super threw it out! So I was out $75 AND a couch. Currently looking for a new one. Along with 300 other things. Craigslist is awesome. Even though moving has left me so broke I can barely afford even Craigslist. Let's not mention by 5 total trips to Bed Bath and Beyond in the past two weeks.

Speaking of "broke" things, something else that happened in Miami is that I hurt my foot - the ball of my foot, not sprained my ankle or anything like a normal person. I think from running in the sand? Anyway, the first week and most of last week I ignored it, but now that it STILL hasn't gone away I have prepared for the worst: I gave myself a pedicure, because if it isn't better by the end of this week I am making a dr.'s appt. I haven't even gone to the gym lately! I soaked it in epsom salt (a suggestion from my mom) but it did not help. She also suggested I stay off of it - easier said than done, since I literally walk everywhere.

I have been working late a lot too, lots of stuff going on, and I am starting to feel a little burnt out. Last week I was convinced I had some African Sleeping Disease because I was so tired all the time. This week I am less lethargic, however, I am still getting to bed earlier than normal. Which is a good thing - except I have to hardcore catch up on tivo on the weekends (which I now have in my room!). I hope to be back in gym mode, which in turn gives me more energy, in a week or so. Depending on my ankle.

I swear, I am not a hypochondriac.

There are some cool things going on too. At work it has been celeb central. Tony Allen from Queer Eye was in yesterday, today my boss went to Mary Louise Parker's apt b/c she is appearing at an event in March, and we are about to hire Julianne Moore or Eva Mendes or someone for an event I am doing in Sept. So that is all fun. I also just started a writing class at The New School: Creative Non-Fiction. It is Thurs nights from 8-10pm, which is kind of late, but I feel guilty leaving work before 7 or 8 so it works out. I missed the first class b/c we had a work party 2 weeks ago (and no, I did not get wasted!), and went for the first time last week. We read Joan Didion's work, which is good albeit somewhat depressing. I am going to write something this weekend to hand in next Thurs for a critique from my teacher. If I feel good about some stuff I may post it later. It will be none of this freestyle crap I do here, though - very different and thought through. At least, I hope. Anyway, the class is a workshop which means other students take your 1000 word pieces home and then come back with comments/criticisms. I hope at the least to learn a lot - maybe it will help me develop a tough skin when my writing is criticized. I can't be the girl who gets upset or cries or something. Oh God.

So Friday it got bone-chilling, numbingly, fucking-cold-as-fuck cold. Friday is also the day I started to notice my room being cold. It seemed to be getting in through my window, so I checked to make sure it was shut. Then I went out and got wasted and didn't feel it. Saturday I slept, then shopped all day, letting my room stay freezing. Saturday night I went out and got wasted. Sunday I finally got around to calling the super, who said he'd come by Mon. Monday aftwer work I call him three times. He finally comes. He opens the blinds all the way and points to the very top of the window. "It's open." I almost died.... Um, sorry - I didn't look up there - was all I could come up with. No shit, stupid girl. Perhaps they shouldn't make windows in this city so damn tall. And who opened it up there ANYWAY? Needless to say, I am a tard. Poor super...though he did throw out my couch.

One last thing I have been thinking about then I am off to bed. I gave my # to this guy I was talking to Fri night, b/c he was the cutest of the group we were with, and b/c I was drunk. After he asked for my # I had no intent of talking to him again, nor did I care if he called. Of course him texting me right after that only made things worse, then he texted today asking for my email. I ignored it. I have analyzed myself (with my friend at work) and decided that after someone either asks for my # or I make out with them, it's over for me. I am done with them. I don't know what that means or anything, but that is my latest self-analyzation. I can go a little further to say that if I know there is some challenge or something dangerous off-hand, I am all about it. If I have to chase you for nine months to get you to be my boyfriend, if you notoriously don't date girls, even if you are a lying cheater and I don't even know it - it's like a sixth sense I have - then, and only then am I interested. At that point the phone number/make out=over it rule is null and void. Anyway, no point to that, just saying....if I make out with you, I probably won't answer your phone calls. Ha.


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